Wednesday 11 July 2012

Portal 2 Review

Portal 2 is one of tje more creative and fun puzzle-adventure game i have ever played. I rank this game a 5/5 stars. Valve and Steam are 2 very smart companies for coming up with the game. The portal 2 canpaign starts as you as a mute girl named Chell. You are being used for human testing at aperture science enrichment facilities. Chell is put through many puzzles by GLADOS a robot with quite the attitude. You must use this tool called the "portal gun" to create and link between to flat surfaces in the form of a circle to "teleport" yourself or objects to complete each missions. Each puzzles gets progressively harder adding new factors such as light bridges, turrets or edgless safety cubes. Near the end of the campaign you escape GLADOS and her tests and break out of the Aperture Labs to free the rest of the people having tests done on them. The multiplayer is another awesome part of Portal 2. In the multiplayer you and a friend are 2 robots named P-body and Atlas undergoing testing to see how smart you are. To robots are put through another series of tests similar to the campaign ones but just as fun! To add on to the fun Valve creates DLC for free so you don't have to pay to keep the fun going like other game franchises. Here are some gameplay pictures of the game:

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