Tuesday 10 July 2012

Strange Failed Products

    Have you ever heard of an egg cuber, or Bling teeth? No? Maybe that`s because these products never hit the big time. Some products are very popular and everyone one has to have them. But for every successful product there are many who don’t do so well.
   In the past, companies have tried many things looking for success in other places. But most of the time they end up sticking to what they are good at. A perfect example of this is McDonalds. McDonalds has been looking for success in other places other than North America for years. They are trying to become popular in places like Europe, Africa, parts of Asia and many more. With products like the Mc spaghetti, the Mc lobster, the Mc pizza and even the Mc hotdog. McDonalds has tried to capture the tastes and interests of other countries with many different products such as these. Another failed food product is hot Dr. Pepper. You’ve probably tried or seen normal dr. pepper.  But have you ever tried dr. pepper as hot as coffee. Hot dr. pepper was used as a warm winter drink back in the 1960`s along of hot chocolate. Another failed food making product is the egg cuber. This product takes your hardboiled egg and compresses it into a cube. There was no reason or special purpose for this it was just to make eggs more fun.
     Apple is another company with many products that never hit the top of the market. In 1995, Apple released its first game system. The Apple Bandai-Pippin. This game system cost about $600 and only sold about 42,000 consoles before it was discontinued in 1998. Compared to Sony’s PlayStation 3 that have sold over 62 million consoles worldwide this is a very low number. You can see why Apple discontinued the Bandai-Pippin.s This was Apples first, last and only game system. Another Apple product that didn’t do so well is AppleWorks. Being overshadowed by Microsoft Office for years didn’t give AppleWorks time to take off and therefore was discontinued.
    But it is not just computers and foods that have failed in the past. Many toys have not done so well either. One star wars toy is just a bunch of charred body parts of characters from the movie. Or these toys called Bling Teeth. Which are just fake bedazzled teeth that you can buy in vending machines. There have even been many strange dolls. Everyone’s heard of American Girls. But have you heard of the Homeless edition American Girl? Or pregnant Barbie? The pregnant Barbie is a normal Barbie doll but with a large stomach with a hole in it with another baby doll inside. The problem wasn’t the children’s dislike of the toy. It was the parents. Parents thought that pregnant Barbie was too “disturbing” and did not want their children playing with this very inappropriate toy. Pregnant Barbie got discontinued shortly after it did not go big.
    There have been many failed products over the years but from every failed product we have learned how to build new better items that have changed our world to what it is today.

Thank you for listening.

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