Tuesday 10 July 2012

Letter From a Alchoholics Liver (drug abuse awareness)

Dear Simon,
     This is your liver sending you this one last letter before I die. You must stop drinking! There is too much alcohol in your blood stream and I have to work overtime to clean it. I'm exhausted and I don’t think I can do it anymore. Once I stop functioning so will everything else in your body. Heart failure will come soon after. I care about your health so I think you should care about mine. I know it doesn’t seem bad now because you haven’t been doing it for long but there is much worse to come if you keep drinking. You could have memory loss or I could get infected with cancer and if the doctors don’t find it soon enough so could everything else in your body.
   But those are just a few things that could happen if you don’t stop. You could already be experiencing bad things like distorted vision hearing and coordination or altered perceptions and emotions. Using alcohol for too long can also create ulcers and vitamin deficiencies, which won’t only hurt me but your stomach too. I know you haven’t gotten into this yet but this is just a warning. NEVER EVER binge drink. It is very bad for you especially at your age. At 19, even though you’re a legal drinker, you still shouldn’t be binge drinking. At any age you shouldn’t. It’s just not good for your body. If you binge drinking on a regular bases all these effects with happen much faster.
    I'm begging you for your help I can’t stop you it has to be you to make the choice. You have a bright future ahead of you don’t ruin it by abusing alcohol. If you are being pressured in to it by friends you might want to choose a new group of people to hang around with. Because if all you and your friends do is drink, you’re not really that good of friends. Please keep the health of me and your body in mind when choosing your friends and making choices.
Oliver the liver

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