Nostradamus has been labeled as one of the most influential and accurate prophets of all time. He predicted a large number of historical events to happen including the death of King Henry the second, the reign of Napoleon Hitler and the attack on the twin towers. Now, some people are starting to put faith in Nostradamus and his predictions. 2012 is coming fast and Nostradamus claims that the people of the world are due to their third antichrist. This leader will apparently force unnecessary famine and death to the planets inhabitants. Also, there will be a rise of natural disasters and a predicted rate of cosmological catastrophes across the globe around the year 2012. Personally, I don't Believe this is going to happen. It was also said that the world would end at the year 2000.. but look at us now! What's interesting though is that Nostradamus didn't predict the world to end in 2012.. In reality, He predicted the world to end in the year 3797. You may think that the Mayan calendar predicts the end of the world because the calendar stops this year. Well, your wrong. In fact when the Mayans finish their calendar it is a huge celebration, not the end of the world. To them it simply means starting a new age just like how we celebrate each year on new years. Now tell me does the world end every December 31st.. i didn't think so. These rumors are spread by the media and go global making everyone ask questions...We can predict and think we know what is going to happen but we won't really know until it does..
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